Aprire la Strada con la Competenza di 42 market research

In an era where data-driven decisions are critical, the healthcare industry is at the forefront of leveraging insights to improve patient care, optimize operations and drive innovation. Today we proudly announce that 42 market research is successfully operating in over 60 countries around the world interviewing doctors, dentists, pharmacists, opticians, dieticians and other healthcare professionals about their experiences and opinions on any health-related topic; everything 100% online.

As pioneers in online healthcare market research, 42 market research brings together decades of experience in advising you on who you should interview; recommended sample sizes; as well as the location and demographic distributions of respondents in the study to ensure the most statistically valid results for your projects.

“Getting accurate real-world results as quickly as possible is critical for pharmaceutical companies to understand and react to what is happening in the market,” explains Stuart Crocker, managing director of 42 market research . He further added that ” 42 market research is able to provide this information using our extensive network of interviewees and the experience we have developed over the 22 years we have been in business.”


Information on 42 market research

42 Market Research is an independent field research agency, operating internationally, specializing exclusively in the healthcare sector since 2002. 42 market research is a member of the EphMRA agency (European Pharmaceutical Market Research Association) and a member of the BHBIA (British Healthcare Business Intelligence Association)

Contact info

42 market research

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United Arab Emirates

Tel: +971 4 447 1540

Fax: +971 4 447 1542

E-Mail: press@42mr.com

Website: www.42mr.com