Why Bokashi Bran May Be Your Solution to Food Waste

In a world where more and more waste seems to be piling up wherever you look, it becomes increasingly important that individuals and companies alike seek out methods of reducing their waste in whichever ways possible. Currently, it is estimated that roughly one-third of food production around the world ends up as waste. 61% of this waste comes from households while 26% and 13% of this waste comes from food service industries and retailers respectively. In practical terms, this equates to 931 million tons of food being estimated to go to waste within each year.

This practically innumerable amount of waste attributes to greenhouse gas emissions that affect the world, which can be reduced by up to 98% with the right help. This is where Bokashi Bran® can fit in, providing a product that allows you to turn your food waste into a form of compost that can provide your plants with the strength and nutrients needed to sustain healthy growth. This is achieved through the use of 3 separate but equally important main active ingredients. Known as microbes, these ingredients allow your food waste to enter the necessary stages of fermentation while reducing the often-unpleasant smells that can be emitted.

While there maybe countless forms of bokashi that currently flood the market, Bokashi Bran® and its products are able to set itself apart from noteworthy competitors by using the original EM technology that was developed by EMRO, the very first producers of bokashi based products in Japan, where landfills are either rare or not even an option. With such a foundation holding Bokashi Bran® and its products together, along with the pride and dedication that is needed within this industry, it should come as no surprise as to why this company, in particular, is becoming a crowd favourite amongst “tree huggers” and general environmental enthusiasts alike.

If you are interested in learning more about this product or want to start your composting journey today, go visit: https://bokashibran.co.za

About Bokashi Bran®

Established in April 2012, Bokashi Bran® started with and has continued to maintain a vision of producing bokashi that is high in quality, turning your food waste into a reliable form of compost for healthier plants and soil. Their recipe for bokashi took roughly 18 months to develop, as they took the time and effort needed to produce a reliable product that follows strict time and temperature controls. It’s the only bokashi authorised in South Africa to carry the official EMRO branding. Bokashi Bran® provides the nutrients plants need and ensures the environment’s health.